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"BOTAI-BURABAY" open -air museum

On July the 7th 2018 the opening of archeological ethnography open air museum "Botai-Burabay" took place within realization of "Ruhani zhangyru "programme.

Museum occupies an area of 600sq m, as well as the whole area of complex is 25 000sq m .It is tourist architectural and cultural ensemble , consisting of 7 dwellings. Reconstruction of botai dwellings is the first scientific experience in Kasakhstan.

The unique and importance of Botai culture is , that for the first time in the world , a horse was domesticated exactly here, and the first settlements created , great innovations of equestrian steppe civilization began. This opening reflects not only historical experience of distant ancestors , who passed on the ability to build and special architecture style, transformed by times to yurt, but practically such construction which can be used in modern practice.

The basis for Botai houses was created by the meter deep dwellings with domes erected on top, outwardly resembling the yurt. Speaking about semantics , the botai dwellings copy a structure of the World.

Round shape, spherical overlap-arch, hearth as the center of dwelling, fire personifies the sun.The domed opening played a magic role.All dwelling are connected to each otner by underground passages and every one is unique and designed for special type of activity.. To reflect the period more clearly wax figures are made.: tribal chief sculpture, silhouette of a craftsman, a silhouette of botai woman in the process of making kumis., in spiritually sacred dwelling you can see a figure of shaman.The visitors of museum have a good opportunity to feel the history in the environment, which reproducts the historical era of the late neolithic-Botai.

Since its opening the museum is very popular by tourists - nearly 50 000 persons visited museum, foreign citizens during their working visits and people who had a rest in Shchuchinsk -Borovoe resort area( Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, the USA, Turkey, the Great Britain, India, Japan, Korea, Jamaika and others.) .

The open air museum"Botai-Burabay " gives the unique opportunity for effective propaganda of our ancestors' historical contribution to the world cultural treasure and also creating conditions for active propaganda of cultural achievements of Kazakhstan.
