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Құрметті қала тұрғындары мен қонақтары! Ақмола облыстық тарихи-өлкетану музейінде жөндеу жұмыстары аяқталды. Біз музейге келушілерді қабылдауға дайынбыз.

Tugelbaeva Lazzat Gabbasovna

Tugelbaeva Lazzat Gabbasovna

Manager of Ereimentau local history museum

  • Телефон:8 (71633) 2-24-37

Ereimentay local history museum

Ereimentay local history museum 0 Ereimentay local history museum 1 Ereimentay local history museum 2 Ereimentay local history museum 3 Ereimentay local history museum 4 Ereimentay local history museum 5 Ereimentay local history museum 6 Ereimentay local history museum 7 Ereimentay local history museum 8 Ereimentay local history museum 9 Ereimentay local history museum 10

This museum was opened in 1991 in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Bogenbay batyr, one of the famous kazakh warlord in XVIIIc., well-known commander of Abglai Khan era.

In 1999 the decision to assign ghe name of Bogenbai batyr to the local history museum was made.

In 1999 the first Presigent of Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev was the honorary guest of the museum. The book with dedication of Elbasy and a gift are presented in the exposition of museum.

In 2005 according to the programme "Madeni mura "a renovation of museum building was made and new exposition was built, that represented in 4 halls: the hall of history of district, paleonthology, archeology and nature.

The showroom presents еxhibitions of local painters and masters of folk art

The museum has closed connections with public organizations and schools of Ereimentay district.

For a long years researchers of museum carry out scientific research work together with well known archeologist Aiman Dosymbaeva.The museum realizes research project "Bogenbai batyr zhoryktarynin izimen" as part of programme "Ruhani zhangyru".Every year they spend research, tourist and collecting expeditions to historical -archeological sites of Ereimentau district.
